Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Madrigal

All the extra preparation for the Medieval Festival was totally worth all the hassle. While it was a lot of work, the expressions on the faces of the 'Lords and Ladies'(spectators) was fitting for the experience. The hall decorated as a castle, and being dressed as a member of the Royal Court all led to a very theatrical experience. Songs were sung, food was eaten, and laughter was about, all amidst the fantasy world of our ‘Home’. Our guests were rather amused by our candlelit entrance to a welcoming song of joy. Smiles on the faces of all, and a clench in the hearts of those who truly value the experience, we invited the holiday spirit into those present.          
            Amongst the glorious songs of praise and cheer, there were skits of jokes and greetings. While everyone scarves down their food on their plates, we provide entertainment in the utmost of manners.
Many of the guests are yearly visitors. Yet the other half were new to the experience, they seemed to enjoy it just the same. 
Being a member of the experience over the four days led a different version for every night. While the first night, the President’s night, was the most glamorous and extravagant, it held only one thing above all the others. Our instructor, Dr. Norton Christeson, offered a performance of his own to our former president, Kent Sharples on this night. Not to mention it was the only night steak and shrimp was dined upon. All the others consisted of chicken and rice. Each night progressed very well, and our guests seemed to enjoy every moment of our gathering.
Upon dismissal of our performance, which had consisted of plenty Christmas songs, along with medieval tunes mixed with prayers to the Heavenly Father on high, people were lifted with cheer and holiday spirit. Indeed being our aim, led our spirits to rise along with. All the nights led up to what the season is all about, spreading good tidings and cheer.
Now to await the next year, and yet again spread the  joy of Christmas and the celebrate the  birth of Christ our Lord and Savior.   

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