Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Ready to attend the play, DEARLY DEPARTED, I try to get someone to go with me. No one takes the offer. We prepare to pick up my brother from work, and then off to the play. My sister goes for the ride, along with my mother and myself. Set to go alone, unbeknownst to me, my sister offers to join. Having but one ticket, I just hope to get a ticket at the door; less I watch alone. 

We arrive, and there are some others approaching as well. We wander inside the doors, greeted by ladies in nice little suits. Down to the ticket booth where I see an old friend. Conversing is upon everyone around. Whether with those you know, or knew, or even just met. Glances passed to and from everyone surrounding halls, curious as to see who else would be attending. Very rich community I would say. My sister, April, and I were having a great time admiring to infrastructure as we traveled up the escalator that seemed to climb forever. Maybe it was how many people that were on as well, that made me realize the actual size of the beast. 

We made our way into the theatre and were stopped at a fork in the road. We took the right entrance, and decided to carry over to the left upon entering. The middle section was totally filled up. I suppose because the stage directly faced that way. Everyone seemed to know someone else in attendance. Laughter and excited was ringing throughout the theatre until the lights went down. 

The show turns out to be very exciting, and funny, even though tragic events occur. April and I haven't attended a play in quite some time, so this was rather a treat. Throughout the play the set came upon our direction for plenty of the time, giving us time to enjoy the expressions of the performers. Familiar faces appear in the actors, and seeing the skill of the performance was a awing spectacle. The audience was as great and rambunctious as the play itself. Definitely to the point where you knew it was greatly executed. 

During intermission and upon departure, my sister and I were adventuring around the building. We'd talk of how great the play was. We didn't know what to expect upon arrival or our first departure. Thus, we had no expectations other than what we had hoped to see. Something good, and that's exactly what we got. 

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