Thursday, September 30, 2010


Traced as far back as 2000 B.C. in Ancient Egypt, marionettes are one of the oldest and most complex of the puppets genre. They were used to portray rituals, celebrations, and even daily activities. Marionettes were even placed by burial sites to guide or encourage the passed in death.

It was believed that the Egyptian Priestesses would carry around marionettes in likeness of the "God of Death"-Osiris. 

The word "Marionette" originates from the Greek word "puppets" as "neurospasta", meaning "string-pulling".
There are two different types of marionettes:one of which has a metal rod connecting to the head, while the other has a string connecting to the head depending on the skill level of the "Manipulator". 
The operator is known as the "Manipulator", and controls what they call the "Airplane". The "Airplane" is the propellor shaped cross the strings attatch to. By manipulating of the "Airplane" and plucking at the strings the puppet gains movement. These marionettes were usually made of wood, foam, or paper mache. 

Some say Marionettes pre-date actors, while they were used as an example of how rituals and festivals were suppose to play out. Along with plays as entertainment representing upper-class and lower-class individuals without them actually being on the same stage. Marionettes usually have about nine to over thirty strings connecting to various limbs of the puppet. More simple marionettes have a rod connecting through the head for easier movement, while more skilled "Manipulators" have string(s) in place of the rod allowing more dramatic effects of the acting puppet. 
(as we see in the image above:The puppets are being controlled from above and behind the background of the set.)
In Marionette performances there are many different ways in which they can be viewed. There are mini-theaters, which are portable and can be performed anywhere. There are also actual theaters which are open to marionette performances in form or opera or any other sort. In either type of performance, there is usually some type of music in the background, a stage as a background, and a curtain as any other theatrical performance would include. 
Banning of Puppets from the church
While puppetry was a part of the church originally, and taught morals and thoughts of good will. The performances had become rather comedic and offensive in the churches eyes. This led to the banning of puppetry from the church. In retaliation, puppeteers set up tents outside of Cathedrals and the routines became more and more Slapstick.
Growth from the ban
After being banned from the church, puppeteering became more and more comedic. This led to the Italian Comedy known as 'Commedia dell'Arte'

(as we see in the image above:This is a portable theater, in which a performer(s) travel around with putting on shows and plays of their own making after being banned from the church.
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To me this video depicts how much of a longing this "Puppeteer" has for another. He has a puppet as himself, and also a puppet of woman he is in Love with. While there are other segments in the clip as well, the basis is how much of a longing he has for this woman. In his act of puppetry, he can perform acts that he wouldn't be able to in a real-life situation. At one of the moments he/himself as a puppet realizes he is being manipulated by another and is not in actuality performing these well thought out acts. Pay attention to his puppet's solo performance and the actual human actor's performance in the end. I believe playing parts that aren't actually reality still give those performers hope that moments can still happen. In turn give them hope.

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This video depicts how even if some of the puppets are larger than others, they can still me manipulated in rather sophisticated ways. Overall, marionettes are rather sophisticated and very complex puppets. Stick around through this video. !!!THE SKELETON IS RATHER HILARIOUS!!!